
Showing posts from April, 2018

My Dear 32

You made it ..  Did you think you’d be who you are today, then? 365 days ago? A year ago, you were sitting on a pier in South Carolina, overlooking the Atlanti c. You watched the  wav es crash  over the rocks as you let tears fill your eyes and roll down your cheeks. You took a lot of deep breaths and you gazed out into that sunset and you knew that everything was about to change.  You weren’t sure how you were going to get out of it, but you knew you’d find the strength inside of you to push, and man, did you ever push. You crushed it girl. I hope you’re proud, because I am proud of you. Here are some of our favorite memories. 1.       You lost over 20 pounds!  YASS!!  2.       You went home twice. BOTH HOLIDAYS! 3.       You started counseling.  4.       You took your first solo trip.  ACROSS THE COUNTRY at that. 5.       You missed your first flight…EVER ..   and  ran barefoot through the airport. 6.       You made it to the summit of the highest mountain in New E