Things I have learned...

What you expect to happen, normally never happens.
The truth comes out when you least expect it and unfortunately, that is when you need it the most.
Your biggest fear is what keeps you from moving on.
You cannot control tomorrow as much as you cannot control five minutes from now, so let it go.
There is more freedom in music than there is silence. But sometimes you need silence more than you need the music.
What drives us is what defines us.

Your friends are the ones who stay when you don't want them to. They are the ones that tell you like it is even when you don't want to hear it. They become family and become part of you. And when they hurt you, it is simply to remind you that we all have flaws. We are human. I will make mistakes. So will you, so don't place people on pedestals.

It's okay to step back and realize you are being completely ridiculous.
There is happiness in cookie dough ice cream. Or just cookie dough for that matter.
Religion should never explain what you believe. Relationship should.
Religion is man made. Relationship is Christ-centered.
You’re better off together than you are alone.
We are creatures of habit.
If you want something done your way, then do it yourself.
Don't expect someone else to do something you, yourself are not willing to do.
If you get out of the boat, you might fall, but you are further along than sitting in the boat.
Writing relieves the mind. It gets things out on paper.
I'd rather feel pain than to feel nothing at all. At least I knew what I felt was real.
You will make mistakes. They are inevitable. Enjoy them because at one moment, it was exactly what you wanted. Just don't do it again, otherwise it is no longer a mistake but a choice.
You condone what you do not confront.
Happiness is sitting in the living room with tears strolling down your cheeks from laughing due to being ridiculously tired and delirious.
Country music, windows down, and a back road drive is a great ending to just about every weekend.
If you don't take the first step, the hesitation will drive you mad.
I'd rather regret a move than to live my life in a “what-if.”
For just one time, I would like my feelings to not get involved.
You're allowed to change your mind.
You're allowed to cry.
You're allowed to scream and freak out.
You're allowed to be silent.
You're allowed to smile.
You're allowed to use your fifth amendment right.
You're allowed to hide.
You're allowed to pretend you didn't feel what you felt.
You're allowed to sleep in and call off work.
But you shouldn't be lazy.
You shouldn’t give in.
You shouldn't be a door mat.
You shouldn't always be so convenient and available.
Expect the best, but prepare for the worst.
Your mother always knows best.
Your dad cares more than he shows. Guys are weird like that.
I sometimes think I say, “I love you” too much but it is just who I am. I do love them.
I am true to my word. I am faithful to a fault.
I am a tease when I shouldn't be and I am timid when I need to be confident.
I am who I am today because of my past mistakes and failures but I wouldn't change a thing.
Sometimes screaming a cuss word is the only release.
Take your frustrations out at a batting cage or in a kick-boxing class.
Sometimes you don't need to know the truth simply because it will do no good.
Let things be.
Let go of what you cannot control.
There is no need to worry about what might or might not happen. Just enjoy now.
If it is meant to happen, it will happen.
People change. People come and people go.
Let go of those who are no longer helping you along in life.
Pray more than you talk.
Your life will preach more than your words ever will.
You are a sinner. You cannot change that.
Ask for forgiveness and forgive those who will never apologize.
Have faith in the unknown.
Trust more but always seek wisdom and discernment.
Raise a puppy before you decide to raise a kid.
Your significant other doesn't need to know everything.
Your best friend doesn't need to know everything.
You should be able to keep your own secrets.
Girls- Find a man who will ruin your lipstick, not your mascara.
Guys- Find a woman who you would want to introduce to your grandparents. I want their kind of love.
Ask about what you don't understand.
Don't beg. Make them wait. Make them work for what you have to offer.
Don't chase them. Let them chase you.
You are a catch. You deserve the best.
Lists are important but they should not control.
Always laugh. Be honest
Cry often. Smile more.
Trust in today and have patience for tomorrow.
If someone walks back into your life, it's okay to question their motives.
People change. They deserve second chances. Remember who you used to be.
Love radically. Give more grace than you should.
Have faith in people. Have faith in the journey.
Believe in the trial. Appreciate the mountain top but be grateful in the valley.
Never stop learning.
If not now, then when?
Nothing is better than college football and MLB in the post-season. October is beautiful.
Not much can compare to an Oklahoma sunset.
A city, town, state that is truly one with each other will make the biggest comeback. Look at the city of the Moore.
Believe in the storm.
Believe in the purpose.
Remember what happened but don't drag it into the future to ruin.
You need to get your heart broken at least once.
You need to fall in love at least once. You'll appreciate both.
The good learns from the bad.
The bad learns from the good. Both are necessary.
Light will always drive out darkness but sometimes you need the darkness to make you anticipate the light.
Say how you feel. Say what you think.
Love your elders.
Your parents really are cool.
Look to your grandparents for wisdom. Call them often.
Text your parents every day.
Always kiss your dog goodnight.
Appreciate the little things in life.
Get up early and watch the sun rise.
Stay up late and watch the sun rise.
Sometimes you need to be alone.
It's okay to actually turn your cell phone off. Not just silent but OFF.
Delete social media for a week and see how peaceful things are.
Take yourself on a date.
Smores are not optional for summer.
Forgive yourself.
Trust God. Trust his timing.
Stop trying to figure things out.
Have faith in the journey.
Jumping out of an airplane was the most calming moment of my life.
I'll say it again, let go of what you cannot control.
Always pinky promise. That's when it is the biggest deal.


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