Roommates. Family. And Oklahoma.

I've met some pretty amazing people along my journey here in Oklahoma but in the past 7 months, I can honestly say that I have never had a better set of friends come together than I do right now. I know I'm an emotional person but I was recently brought to tears from a close friend of mine's blog regarding our circle... We are a family, we are a community, we come to the table on good days and bad days, we'll protect each other and fight for one another, it's just who we are.

But seriously... I look back at 3 years ago and I cannot even fathom how it is already 2013. How it is already August. How my church is about to celebrate our 3 year anniversary in 5 months. How I moved to Ohio SEVEN years ago and the people I am doing life with today, I cannot even understand how they were placed in my path. I'm going to get sappy on this one but I can't help it. I appreciate these moments where I am genuinely in awe of those in my life.

I think back to first moving here and moving in with Holly. I met her a camp meeting in 2007 and who would have thought three years later, I'd live with her in Oklahoma. I remember us driving all night, getting a speeding ticket, and then surprising her family at Christmas. The moment I met her dad at Olive Garden in Norman and when we walked in the house and surprised her Momma, I knew this was my second family. She didn't believe me that I was going to move here, specifically because I tried to do it three times... whelp, third time is a charm. So I told her whether she wanted a roomie or not, she was getting one on May 29, 2010. We lived together for 3 years and never had a single fight or argument. I'm sure we annoyed each other but still, no fights, no disagreements. The same goes for when Bekah moved in about 15 months later.. same thing. We were sisters, we are sisters. I saw them at their worst, they saw me at my worst and we walked it out together. We saw tomorrow and knew that the sun rise and things would change, we could change them.

Now I am beginning a new journey with two new roommates. Growing up, I remember people saying, “oh you're an only child- you won't like having roommates.” Well, if we are being honest, these past 8 weeks of being solo has been lonely. I thrive when I am round others. I like being around people. Don't get me wrong, I like to be alone. But me being with people, around them, hearing their stories, doing life with them- it's me. I want to know what makes you tick and why you believe what you believe. Not to debate with you but to know YOU.

So back to the new roomies. I'm not going to lie, I am nervous but my excitement outweighs nervousness. I have learned that when you pray for the right people to be in your life, God will bring them without any help of your own. This is how I feel towards Kara and Rozzy. Our living situation could not have been more of a God thing. You can call it fate. You can call it Karma. You can call it coincidence. You can call it whatever you want. All I know is that it was and is meant to be. And Michy gets a new roomie too!

I think back to the “newbies” that have come into my life in the past 8 months. Whether it be the Facundos, Hanah, Josh, Josiah, Eldon, or Kenzie... they all have a story. A significant story in my life. Those who grew up in church and then left and then came back. Those who were abused and literally had every reason to turn and run away but stayed and fought. Those who should have left but remained. Those who had their world ripped from their fingertips but still believes in the promise of true love. Those who were raised spiritually different than me or even FC for that matter, but gave it a chance. Those who had no community and no reason to come, but chose to. Those who grew up in a broken home but believes the reality of what marriage should be. Those who make me feel like my family is right here in Oklahoma City despite the fact that my “blood” family is a thousand miles away... 600 at the closest.

I went to dinner with a friend tonight. She's actually my boss and by far one of the most sincere and genuine people I have ever met across the board. She made a comment of how she loves how excited I get when I talk about my circle or Faith Church. She's only known me 9 months but I feel like she's known me for years and has walked this entire Oklahoma journey with me. But she gets it. She doesn't go to my church but she sees the bigger picture. Community. Doing life with others. Celebrating others. Being real and honest, at all times. She sees the vision for tomorrow.

It's crazy to think that the only two “best friends” I should say , that are still forever away, will be less than 3 hours away in just two months. That's crazy too. They'll come visit Faith Church and I'll go spend weekends in Dallas and we'll do life together. Even 200 miles apart, we'll be apart of a community, a vision for tomorrow.

I think back on how the people I met in Ohio and served with there, I planted a church with them in OKC 4 and half years later. Then, my best friend who I met when she was a senior in high school in Ohio- I mentored her... she is now taking a new position in which we are now mentoring and leading, together, in Oklahoma. She moved to Texas a week after I moved to OKC thinking it was just to “nanny” but instead made it north two years later... HALLLELUJAHHHH. (Thank you Jacob Kelch for marrying her and bringing her north, LOL) But her and I sat around a table with about 10 other people on Tuesday and discussed the future of the next generation. The new roles we are all stepping into in the next few months. And we believe it. We see tomorrow. We know they exist. It is who we are. It's community. It's life. We're a family and we believe it. 


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