This Is Where It Begins
I love life. Like genuinely love life. I love the beauty of it and I love the humor of it. I love how one minute, life can be going well with no hiccups along the way and then all of a sudden, life can simply change. Everything can change. Without a moment's notice or sometimes, with a moment's notice; it all changes. With no explanation other than it is life and it has every right to do so because it owes you nothing. Except, what if it does? What if life owes you everything because you are simply living it? I feel like over the past 29 years, I have learned a lot. I've given a lot. I've provided a lot. I've been jaded and I have been hurt. I have been happy and I have even fallen in love. I have chased dreams and I have been chased, only to walk away because I was too scared. I have cruised along the path and I have even ran into the unknown. I did it 5 years ago. I ran as far as I could go. I ran until I saw the lights of a city in the middle of the cou...