The Dustiest Corners of The Heart

Funny, brutally honest conversations always seem to come about late at night or when you really have no clue how to handle them. They call it like it is and make you vulnerable and uncomfortable at times, but these conversations need to happen. 

I find it rather humorous when two people who haven't spoken to each other in sometime, wonder why the conversation stopped in the first place. Especially when it is apparent that it was mutual. 

Friendships and relationships, to me should be one in the same on many levels. In my opinion if they are real and genuine, they don't take effort. They simply happen. They are real. You talk because you connect with that person. You laugh because you enjoy each other. If they're not around, you miss them. You check-in because you simply care. And you cry because you hate to see them experience things that you have no control over. You're protective because they're important to you. 

So many times we attempt to justify reasons for people who aren't present, despite how much we know that they're not going to be there. Did you ever stop and think maybe they aren't in your life, oh because they might be a hinderance? Maybe you are being protected from something that you have yet to realize? Maybe they are a stumbling block? You can't control them as much as you can control the wind. Because at the end of the day, something that is THAT exhausting, should probably be let go anyways. 

No matter what it be, I have learned that if you're not all in, then get all out. Work, school, dating, friendships, church, relationships, whatever it is- don't do it half way because you wouldn't want it done that way to you. Stop making excuses for people and if they choose not be apart, then that's on them and let yourself move on. In fact, it is so liberating. Be free. 

The bottom line is that when doors are shut and people walk away or are removed, let their door shut also. Too many times we try to pull people back into our lives that have already served their purpose while pushing others away who have yet to serve theirs. We push away the right people because we can't stop letting the wrong ones back in. We don't like making ourselves vulnerable simply because the ones we were vulnerable with, often times walked away. 

Everyone serves a purpose that you encounter. Some to teach you, some to annoy and frustrate you. Some are there with no reason other than to break your heart so you will truly appreciate those who love you enough to put you back together. Some are there just to be an amazing friend and to place a smile on your face. But most importantly, the people that are there as friends and family- they should challenge you and strengthen you. Make you want to become a greater person. To pull strength and integrity out of you. They should empower you and hold you accountable. And you should do the same for them! 

Ask yourself- who is leading me and who am I leading ? Would I want to be my friend? Would I want to follow me? Get honest with yourself. What kind of person are you? 

There are two types of people in our lives. Seasonal and lifetime. Too often we overlook the lifetimers because we just can't let go of "that one time" that was only intended for a season that you went through. Allow those who need to leave, to leave. And love and embrace those who remain. 

The seasonal people are only there until the change comes. The lifetimers evolve with you through the change. They will be the ones who care enough to help remove the dust from the from the darkest corners of your heart. When you allow these people to speak into your life, you won't be able to do anything but become the person you were created to be. 


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