
Showing posts from May, 2013

Things I don't want..

I  remember like yesterday the day I moved to Oklahoma. I remember the fear, the anxiety, the heart racing, but what I remember the most is the overwhelming peace that surpassed every emotion that was surfacing. I was told I was crazy by many people and let's be honest, I probably was and still am today. But I am so glad that I didn't listen to the voices who said I was crazy. I'm even grateful that I didn't turn around as soon as I got on highway 70 in Columbus while I was on the phone freaking out. Yet, for some reason, I just kept driving west until I came to Oklahoma City. I recall the months and even the year leading up to the move. I knew that I was supposed to move, I knew it was supposed to happen and I knew it was right around the corner but bigger than that, I knew that I had to be patient for it to happen at the right time. Before 2010, I tried to move two other times. Ask my roommate, she didn't believe when I said I was actually moving f

Just know you're not alone, I'm gonna make this place your home....

Numb (noun): to be asleep, not showing human feeling or emotion. So frightened as to be unable to move. Stunned or paralyzed with terror. Devastate (verb): to cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly. To overwhelm. The state of being destroyed. Excessive damage. Wreaking or capable of complete destruction. These two words are the only two words that I can use to describe how I have felt over the past 24 hours. Yesterday was a normal Monday, or so it seemed. I woke up, I got my Starbucks, I made it to work 10 minutes early, clocked in, and began my routine. I knew it would be an interesting afternoon weather wise but I didn't think it would be a gut wrenching, horrific day. Around 230pm my phone began to buzz with alerts of tornadoes and that the city that I live in and have now called home for two years was under a “Tornado Emergency.” I only knew of a Tornado watch or warning but now an “emergency?” Emails began to pour in from HR saying if you were i