
Showing posts from February, 2018

He is Good.

Every once in a while, a song is released and it becomes so much more than just a song. It becomes an anthem. It becomes the very breath of your existence and it reminds you daily, of who you are and why you show up, day in and day out and do what you are called and created to do. You find this song and it resonates on the inside of you until it becomes an absolute truth. If I could get the lyrics to “King of My Heart” tattooed on my body, I would. But even more so, this song has become my life song. I struggled with this song when I first heard it because there is a line that says, “You’re never gonna let me down; You are good.” This line of the song goes on for a solid 30 seconds and it’s upbeat and real and it’s raw with every emotion you can put into a song. You can feel it. However, I wrestled with this because there have been plenty of times when I have felt let down. Specifically let down by God. Confused, angered, frustrated, hurt, questioning everything, full of doubt...