
Showing posts from October, 2017

Me Too.

Something Holy happens when you say those two words, “me too.”  T here is no judgement in those words, there is no confusion, there is no contention, there is no fear- there is only peace and healing.  So many of us have “ME TOO” moments. Many simple and  insignificant   like breaking your ankle walking down a street and your  friend does  the same at the airport. A nd then there are those who have their own personal ‘me too’ moments and it takes every ounce of strength and courage to barely whisper those words.  So here I  am--   ME TOO. I wrote a blog two weeks ago ,  but I never hit publish.  I typed it all up because I finally had the courage to type it and then every day it just stares at me in the corner of my computer screen and I see the small Word icon with the word “counseling” underneath of the big blue W.  I  started counseling.  When I first wrote the beginning of the blog, I began it with “I...