You Need Only Be Still.
A lot of times I pull my Macbook close and I have this yearning to type out the words in my head, but my fingers don't move. I can't get them to produce the thoughts bouncing off the walls in my head and then sometimes, a lot of times, it feels like I am going to burst if I don't say or write what it is happening. This usually happens a lot of the time. However, in the longest time, it hasn't happened. I looked at my blog and I realized that I had written anything in almost 6 months. Eek. Where does time go? It was just November and I was just starting Lovely and Christmas was right around the corner. A lot has happened in those 6 months. Let's sum it up and please, do not expect me to sugar coat it: 2014 was Hell. Horrific and strengthening on so many levels on my life. If we are being very honest, every level of my life. Faith Church is growing by leaps and bounds and every week I meet new amazing, incredible people. There are not enough adjectives ...