You're So Vain- Yes, This is About You.
"If you knew what getting what you wanted would do to you, would you still want it?" I hear these words and they echo throughout my life. I think back on the decisions that I have made and so many times, I am so thankful that God didn't answer the prayers I really wanted him to answer at the time. That might not make sense right now, but think of the times when you have no patience and your heart is anxious. You want it right then and there with no thought of the gravity that it could possibly ring back on your life. We want what we want and that's just the bottom line. We are human. We are selfish. We are vain. And wether you choose to admit those three things or not, it doesn't matter because it is true for the simple fact that you have a flesh. The best part about this, is that those three sentences do not define who are you. They don't dictate yourself worth. You do. The attitude and words you choose to believe over your life, do. So when you are feeling...