27 years and 30 days...
As I look back on 27, I am reminded that the items that I can tangibly touch are not significant into comparison to the memories that I have made amongst friends and family in the the last 365 days. I am reminded that no matter how much I desire to save, save, save for whatever the future holds, it doesn't define me. And it doesn't really matter how many new dresses I buy to take on trips across the globe, that is all stuff that can be taken in a matter seconds and quickly eliminated from my life. But what can't be taken from me, is the learning and the value that I place on those memories. In the beginning of April, myself along with my roommates and a few friends from work, we began a 30 day detox. I felt as though anything that tasted good, I was not allowed to have and it quickly infuriated me. I began to become obsessed with calorie count and the number on the scale and how quick I would get skinny. I realized on about day 13 that this was much harder than I had...